The Nigeria-Japan Economic Forum: Celebrates the outstanding performance of Local and International Businesses across Nigeria and Asia countries.

This Local and International Economic Forum recognize the courage, commitment, drive and determination it takes to run a business.

The event focuses on the strength and innovation within every entrepreneur to take an idea and use it as the foundation for building a business.

The business stands out among peers in the business community as a leading organization both in its approach to business and in service to the community. The business should demonstrate true Business Excellence in overall operations, including Customer service, Employee relations, Marketing, Innovation and Community contributions. This well-rounded recipient is regarded as an Industry Leader with a strong reputation for their business success.

The Nigeria-Japan Economic Forum, aims to celebrate success, recognize achievement and highlight the innovative people and companies throughout Nigeria and Asia Countries who are putting their region on the map by boosting the economy while making a positive contribution to the local community.

We believe that the passion, determination, tireless energy and skill that goes into running a top-performing company all deserve recognition and Economic Forum categories are designed to celebrate business from across a range of sectors.

Not only does winning a Business Award mean recognition for the Management Team, it is also a major morale boost for the Workforce. It will be a celebration of the Countries best companies and a remainder that Nigeria is a great place to do business.

The Nigeria-Japan Economic Forum is powered by TRADENIGERIA, is an Economic Forum event honoring organization that demonstrate the core value of Business Excellence & Commercial success between Nigeria and Asia Countries. The event is an annual event that honors Corporate organization, SME, Entrepreneurs, NGO & Government Agencies through the acknowledgement of Innovation & Excellence Business Process, Products Development and Service Delivery in Nigeria & Asia Countries. The Nigeria-Japan Economic Forum will also recognize Corporate Social Responsibility engagement. Environmental friendly products development & commitment to Excellence Customers Service and positive contribution to Growth & Development of the Nigeria Economy.


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